(575) 646-2471
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) – 2003, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- M.S. in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) – 1999, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- B.S. in Geological Engineering (Soils & Foundations), Summa Cum Laude – 1993, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
- B.S. in Geology, Summa Cum Laude – 1993, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
Professional History
- 2021 to Present – Wells-Hatch Professor of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University
- 2017 to 2021 – Wells-Hatch Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University
- 2008 to 2016 – Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University
- 2002 to 2008 – Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University
- 05/2002 to 08/2002 – Instructor, School of Earth Sciences, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
- 1999 to 2002 – Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- 1993 to 1996 – Instructor, School of Earth Sciences, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
- Summer 1992 – Intern, PDVSA (formerly CORPOVEN SA), Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Research Interests
- Development of bio-mediated and bio-inspired methods and solutions in geotechnical engineering (ground improvement, ground reinforcement, deep foundations, restoration of degraded soils)
- Sustainable use of new and recycled materials in civil engineering (foam glass, tire bales, crumb rubber)
- Numerical analyses applied to problems in geomechanics
- Experimental determination of mechanical and engineering properties of soils (desert soils, diatomaceous soils, silty and clayey sands, cemented sands, collapsible soils)
- Resiliency of earthen construction: performance and material characterization of adobe structures
- Modeling and performance evaluation of flexible pavements
Select Publications
Aleali, S. A., Bandini, P., and Newtson, C. M. Bio-inspired deep foundation piles and anchorage systems. U.S. Patent No. 11,142,878. Awarded October 12, 2021.
Al Aqtash, U., Bandini, P., and Cooper, S. L. (2022). Lateral strength of traditional adobe walls affected by moisture: A numerical parametric study. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 16(9): 1432-1449. https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2021.1892240
Aleali, S. A., Bandini, P., and Newtson, C. M. (2020). Multifaceted bioinspiration for improving the shaft resistance of deep foundations. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 17(5): 1059-1074. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-020-0076-6
Al Aqtash, U., and Bandini, P. (2020). Influence of wall thickness and water content on the out-of-plane stability of adobe walls. Infrastructures, 2020, 5(9), 78. https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures5090078
Sonyok, D. R., and Bandini, P. (2019). Oedometric behavior of diatomite-kaolin mixtures. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(9): 06019005. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002084
Mostafazadeh-Fard, S., Samani, Z., and Bandini, P. (2019). Production of liquid organic fertilizer through anaerobic digestion of grass clippings. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10(4), 771-781. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-017-0095-7
Al Aqtash, U., Bandini, P., and Cooper, S. L. (2017). Numerical approach to model the effect of moisture in adobe masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11(6): 805-815. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2017.1298010